Nov. 4, 2014
Members Present: Drs. David Bangs, President
Carleton Holt, Treasurer
Shelly Albritton, Secretary
Ibrihim Duyer
Jeff Longing
Steve Bounds
Guests: Mrs. Karli Saracini, Ivy Pfieffer
- Welcome-Dr. Bangs welcomed board members and guests, Mrs. Karli Saracini and Mrs. Ivy Pfieffer.
- Minutes-Dr. Albritton made a motion to accept the minutes; Dr. Duyer seconded motion; no discussions/corrections; motion carried.
- Treasurers Report if changes were made since last report-Dr. Holt provided an update to the budget; we have an increase of $200.00 from the last report given.
- Membership Dues update-Dr. Holt provided an update to membership; Harding sent dues for 16 members; eight from ATU; two fro UofA; Dr. Holt reminded board members to send any outstanding dues.
- PLSB Report update-Dr. Albritton had no update on PLSB.
- ACT 222 Report- Joint Education Committee Report-Dr. Bangs reported there were possibly 14 schools participating in the superintendent evaluation pilot and there was a possibility one more school would be involved in the pilot.
- ARPEA Representation on Superintendent Evaluation Committee- Next meeting date will be November 13, 2014-Drs. Bangs and Albritton gave an update on task force; a final review of the document would be conducted in preparation for the pilot study; training (organized by regions) would begin in January 2015 with school board members; concerns were expressed about the refreshed ISLLC standards increasing from six to 11 standards and how this would effect the new superintendent evaluation system, particularly the scoring rubric; any revisions needed would be addressed by ADE and they will be informing higher education; the foundation is set in the rubric and the revisions will be worked in to present documents.
- ADE Guests: Mrs. Karli Saracini and Mrs. Ivy Pfieffer-Hardship waivers for interns located in Priority schools-Mrs. Sarcini and Pfieffer presented the Executive Board with the Form for Requesting a Field Experience or Internship Exception (see Appendix A) for leadership candidates in priority, academic distressed, and/or state-taken-over schools; extra support will be needed for intern in one of the above-mentioned schools; currently, if an intern is in a school, and the school is designated a priority school, the candidate will remain in the school for internship; Annette Barnes will send out a list of schools with these designations; there could be up to 32 school on the list; ARPEA requested districts be made aware of these changes to internship placement; perhaps Coops could assist with placing interns; send completed form via email to Mrs. Saracini for review; school designations will be made public in January 2015 based on 2014 data; Dr. Holt requested the information be sent to Dr. Bangs so he can send it to ARPEA Executive Board members; the deciding factor for allowing internship in many cases will be a change in leadership within the school.
- The 2015 ARPEA spring conference February 24th was the date selected for the one-day conference; members were asked to email suggestions for the agenda.
- Invite representatives to our spring conference to continue building relations with ADE members-ARPEA will invite Mrs. Saracini, Pfieffer, and Joan Luneau to the conference
- Other Business-Dr. Holt reminded there was a link to NCPEA blog concerning ARPEA; Dr. Holt requested Dr. Bangs contact Dr. Beverly Irby at Texas A&M to provide information on ooVoo for NCPEA state-affiliated meetings.
- Adjourn-Dr. Bounds made a motion to adjourn, Dr. Albritton seconded; motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by Dr. Shelly Albritton, ARPEA Executive Board Secretary